Owen McCarthy



Mexico, NY 13114

My Recent Projects

BookRecs Middleware - GitHub

BookRecs is a project I started with a friend of mine I met working on the Platform Security team at Tesla. The goal is to set up a book recommendation service. As one of the early steps of working on that project, I took on the creation of some Golang middleware for use in our HTTP servers. The main modules I focused on were:

  • A decent logging solution using Zap
  • A check that incoming traffic includes an Authorization header
  • A simple handler to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS (although this will likely end up happening in our cloud configuration instead)
  • Tests and thorough documentation to make the library easier to use, as my partner on this project is new to the language

Platnet-gohttp - GitHub

The engineer I am working with on the BookRecs project is new to Golang, so I also created a simple HTTP server to demonstrate how to use the middleware and how to create an API with Go. Since we are using the standard library's excellent net/http package, I also used it to demonstrate the new changes to routing with ServeMux in Go 1.22 which added support for specific route patterns with wildcards like GET /posts/{id}

AppScan - GitHub

AppScan is a CLI tool I created to automate my process for DNS querying and subdomain enumeration for bug bounty hunting. It also allows you to test the endpoints you discover with any HTTP method you want and output the reponses to JSON. I'm aiming for it to follow the POSIX guidelines and the GNU standards for CLI tools, in the hopes that it will be easy to plug it into existing automations and scripts that researchers use. I'm currently working on rebuilding the tool in Golang to enable quicker development of additional modules, since I have some future plans for helpful additions.